Pink Salted Tea

A very easy and quick method of making Pink tea with main ingredients used are water, milk, edible soda,full cream milk and fresh cream.

Ingredients: (Serving 2)

Heat the pan for a few seconds and put the Green Tea leaves into it, (Don’t over heat the pan as the tea leaves might burn) now turn off your burner and add the baking soda. Put the burner on again and pour a little water into the pan. Keep on boiling the water till it becomes half of what we had added. As the water will start getting evaporated the tea leaves will give out its dark pinkish color. You can again add water and keep on repeating the process 2 to 3 times till you get the desires color of the tea.

Now finally when the pan is left out with little water add 1 cup of water along with milk, crushed cardamom and salt to taste. Boil the tea for a couple of minutes and then strain it out in a cup. At last garnish it up with fresh milk cream and serve hot with any sweet snacks.
Please do watch the video above.
